

Malaysian Cuisine(馬來西亞)
Malaysian cuisine reflects its multi-ethnic population.(馬來西亞美食反應其多元人口)
Malaysia's population can be divided among three major ethnic groups:Malays, Chinese and Indians.(馬來西亞人口:馬來人、中國人、印尼人)
This resulted in a mixture of flavors, making Malaysian cuisine highly diverse, often filled with herbs and spices.(混合的味道造成馬來西亞美食多樣化,通常充滿香草及辣味)
Classics: Tea Tarik(印度拉茶), Nasi Lemak(椰漿飯), Bak kut teh(肉骨茶,台語譯音超傳神),curry(咖哩)


Hong Kong Cuisine(香港)
The food culture in Hong Kong combines Chinese and foreign culture. (美食結合中國和外國文化)
The fusion of eastern and western culture has affected even the eating habits of Hong Kong people.(東西方文化的融合反應在飲食習慣上) 
Hong Kong has long been known as a "paradise of food". (美食天堂)
In Hong Kong there are many types of food and ways of cooking seafood. (烹調方式很多)
They also love dim sum(飲茶), and street food.

Classics: milktea(奶茶), pineapple bun(菠蘿包), dim sum(飲茶), beef stir fried(快炒)noodles, fried rice(炒飯), fishbal(魚丸)


Japanese Cuisine(日本)
The traditional cuisine of Japan is based on rice with miso soup(味噌湯) and other dishes; 
there is a focus on seasonal ingredients. (季節因素)
Side dishes often consist of fish, pickled vegetables. (配菜通常有魚、泡菜)
Seafood is common, often grilled(烤魚), but also served raw as sashimi(生魚片) or in sushi. 
Seafood and vegetables are also deep-fried(油炸) as tempura(天婦羅).
Apart from rice, a staple includes noodles, such as soba and udon. (除了米飯,主食還有麵,例如蕎麥麵和烏龍麵)
Classics: Udon烏龍麵, ramen(拉麵), sushi, sashimi(生魚片)

Korean Cuisine(韓國)
Korean cuisine is largely based on rice,vegetables, seafood and meats. (主要是米、蔬菜、海鮮、肉)
Kimchi is served at nearly every meal. (幾乎每道菜都有泡菜,這是真的,泡菜都放在桌上,免費)
Commonly used ingredients include sesame oil(芝麻油), bean paste(豆醬), soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger,red chili paste(紅辣醬) and napa cabbage(美生菜).
Classics: Kimchi, Bibimbap(石鍋拌飯), Korean fried chicken, Kimbap(紫菜包飯,我超愛吃這個)


Thai Cuisine(泰國)
Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromas and a spicy flavor.(強調清淡菜餚,香味濃郁,味道辛辣)
Thai cooking is combining many ingredients to create a delicious result. (結合很多成份來製造美味的結果)
Traditional Thai cuisine loosely falls into (大致分為~類)four categories: boiled dishes, spicy salads,and curry. 
Classics: Pad Thai(泰式炒河粉), Tom Yum Goong(冬蔭功,就是泰式酸辣湯), green curry


Taiwanese Cuisine(台灣)
Pork, seafood, chicken, rice, and soy are common ingredients.(豬肉、海鮮、米食、豆類是一般普通的食材) 
Traditionally, rice formed the basis of most Taiwanese diets.(傳統上,米食是台灣飲食的基礎)
Most Taiwanese rice is slightly soft, and sweet.(大部份台灣米偏軟且甜)
Seasonings(調味料) include soy sauce, rice wine,sesame oil, and pickled radish. 
Taiwan is also a paradise of tropical fruit(熱帶水果的天堂) such as papayas,starfruit(楊桃), melons, and citrus(柑橘類) fruit. 
Classics: Beef noodle soup(牛肉麵), braised pork(紅燒肉),oyster egg omelettes(蚵仔煎),bubble milk tes(珍珠奶茶)



stinky tofu 臭豆腐/oyster omelets 蚵歐姆蛋就是蚵仔煎/hakka food客家菜

kimchi韓式泡菜、pickled cabbage台式泡菜

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